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~ISLAM IS THE ONLY SOLUTION~ (surah 3 ayah 102) Believers, fear Allah as He should be feared, and do not die except as Muslims. (surah 15 ayah 2) It could be that those who disbelieve will wish that they were Muslims.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007


yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! repoted the problem!now just waitin for the reply
Thanks a lot to the Mo who commented in the previous post and helped me.

Just wanted to inform u that the title for Last post is wrong so i am sorry i was gonna post something else but its not going lets wait for problem to get solved.

Secondly,I made a new blog for those who want to read wat actually The Holy Quraan has.I will post one ayah a day and slowly we will learn what our Holy book Quraan really says.It is a universal book revealed By Allah to the manking for our guidance. So check out this blog.
Thank u have a nice day!


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